Using Safety Plan Sections

The projects page shows the last 6 safety plan sections to have been created or edited. To access all the safety plan sections and reorder them then click the  Safety Plan Sections link.


To quickly find the heading you are looking for, use the search box to filter down the safety plan headings.

You can sort the safety plan headings alphabetically, by document order or by the last modified date.

Switch between tile and list layout

You can switch between the tile and list layouts using this tool.

Reorder headings

You can reorder your safety plan headings by dragging and dropping each section into order. They will be exported into your safety plan document in the document order number.


Delete headings

Delete headings by clicking the red delete button.  Be aware that this is permanent and can’t be undone.

Edit a heading

Click the green edit button to edit a safety plan heading

Creating a new section

Hovering over the ‘New Safety Plan Section’ brings up 3 options for creating a new safety plan heading.

Create a blank section – Creates a new blank section for you to add in your own plan heading and information.

Duplicate existing sections – allows you to import parts of plans you have previously written.

Template sections – allows you to import headings from templates produced for a variety of events. These templates include guidance to what information is required to complete the plan.

Duplicating a section

Step 1 - Choose your project

Choose a project to duplicate safety plan sections from using the search box. The default is set to the current project to allow you to duplicate existing sections i.e for different phases of a project.

Start typing the name of the project that you want to duplicate safety sections from and then select it.

To view all your projects then type  All Projects.

Step 2 – Select sections

Select the sections of the plan that you want to duplicate into your current project. You can select multiple sections from multiple projects.

As you select sections they drop down to the bottom of the page, if you wish to unselect them then just click the heading in the Selected Safety Plan sections area and they will return to their original project.

Step 3 – Duplicate

When you’ve made your selections, click the  Duplicate Safety Plan Sections button to import them into your project.

Note: You will be prompted to review any information that you duplicate from another project to ensure that it’s appropriate and relevant to your new project.

Saving as draft

There is the option to save a safety plan section as a 'draft'  section to remind yourself to come back and finish it. 

Sections marked as draft as marked as such in the PDF exports and highlighted in the dashboard. 

Previewing Safety Plan Sections and Page Breaks

To see how your safety plan sections will be exported you can create a preview on the Safety Plan Sections Management Page.

The PDF will show you how the text will be laid out and presented. If you want to manually add a page break, you can do so using the page break option in the safety plan section.