Found in: CDM2015

CDM Notifiable Projects

A project is notifiable to the Health & Safety Executive under CDM 2015 if it:

  • Exceeds 30 days on site and 20 workers working simultaneously at any point in the project, or
  • Exceeds 500 person days (Assume 8 hr shifts) for the overall team required to build or dismantle the project


  • A project that lasts for 35 days but only involves a crew of 10 people is not notifiable
  • A project that lasts for 10 days and involves an average of 35 people working per day is not notifiable (35 people x 10 days = 350 person days)
  • A project that lasts for 10 days and involved an average of two shifts per day of 35 people each is notifiable (2 shifts x 35 people x 10 days = 700 person days)

It is legally The Client’s responsibility to notify the HSE however they may instruct the Principal Contractor to do so on their behalf; the responsibility to ensure this is done will always remain with The Client. It must be done in writing, as soon as is practicable before the construction phase begins.

The easiest way to notify the HSE of a CDM notifiable project is by filling in an F10 form online

Notification is principally a system that has been put in place to allow the HSE to know where and when construction work is being carried out. A notifiable project will mean that you are more marginally likely to be inspected by the Health & Safety Executive during the construction phase so ensure that your safety planning and paperwork are sufficient for your project.